Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bath Time


We're visiting Jordanna's parents this weekend and they have a BIG tub. So obviously we had to put the boy in the big tub last night for bath time. The problem, however, was that the tub was so big and slippery that he couldn't be in the tub alone so Daddy had to take one for the team (I don't like baths) and spot the kid in person.

Father and son in the bath

A sad sad child

Pop-pop and his youngest grandchild

Tim's phenomenal speakers, absolutely stunning

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kermit Bowls a Touchdown


Have you ever loved something so much that you looked forward to the day when you could share it with your progeny and see their little face light up in wonder and delight? Such was the case with The Muppet Show. JD and I have carefully avoided letting Cayden watch any TV till now under the theory that he'll get no shortage of exposure to it as he grows up. Last week we finally decided that it would be OK for him to watch an episode of Muppets in the hope that he would start to develop an affection for them. Fools that we were.

For 12 days straight now we have not heard a single sentence that did not include a plea for "Whah Kehmeh?" Watch Kermit. That's all he wants to do. Watch Kermit. He wanders through the house with the case naming Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, and...of course...Kermit. He doesn't want to eat, he wants to Watch Kermit. It's not night-night time, it's time to Watch Kermit. He gets his beach chair that Nana and Vavo got him, puts it in front of the TV and yells "DaDa!! Whah Kehmeh!?!?!"

In an attempt to maintain our sanity we dug him up a Kermit doll to tide him over and rationed him to 1 episode after dinner before evening running around in circles time.

In other news Gaspar and I went to a NE Patriots home game at Gillette stadium last weekend. My friend Cowdog has season tickets and he was kind enough to part with two of them for us. We ate Brats, drank beer, had an absolutely spectacular time, the Pats won, and my wife picked us up and drove my ass all the way home to Pennsylvania. What's better than that? Not much.

On the awesome train that brought us there and back from Prov.

I kept texting them about the guy next to me planning his stalking of the cheerleaders but they didn't seem to care.

Wouldn't it be cheaper to just build a giant slide?

And in other other news I took my kids outside in the cold-ass Pennsylvania autumn (it's 28 degrees right now, in november) to play with a bowling ball and explore Conservation of Energy. Good times. Sorry it's only a picture of me but it's illegal for me to randomly post pictures of my kids on the internet.

Plus two bonus pictures of my kid because he's cute as hell.

Nubby and his Vavo

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thank god I joined that list serve...


Today's email from baby center (who send 'age-appropriate' updates): "Teaching your toddler about private parts". I'd settle for Cayden not bucking and screaming while I try and clean poo from every crevice. I think we can leave adding 'foreskin' to his vocabulary for another day...