Monday, January 19, 2009

It's a Desert Topping and a Floor Wax

Turns out you can use a clothing-steamer to remove wall paper. Ugly, ugly floral wallpaper. We love having a house to tear apart.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Do you want to stay here to knit and read while I take the baby and our credit card to Circuit City's liquidation sale?"

Monday, January 12, 2009

Don't hold your breath

While I would love to pretend that we will post tons of holiday pics, I decided not to wait on little posts until that was done, because it may never happen. Christmas was great, Cayden is obsessed with his cousins, we moved into our new house (via sheer willpower, the kind assistance of Z&K, and two movers hired off craigslist with 12 hours to spare). We are living in boxes because the semester started already, and tackling the piles slowly when we have spare time. Our new friend Kim was over helping us out last night and we unearthed my yoga mat. Cayden recognized it from Tucson, which suprised me. He kept saying, "Mat?Mat? Mat?" until I rolled it out on the living room floor for him. About an hour later I was cooking dinner and I heard Cayden audibley exhaling. I peak around the corner and he is sitting on my yoga mat making the sign for relax and whispering, "relaaaax. aphooooooo. relaaaaax, aphooooooo".