Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Conversation Over A Washcloth

J: (wiping Cayden's face) See? It's not that bad you little drama queen.
C: (jumping off his stool) Mama, all my grown-ups call me drama queen. I like being drama queen.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Stickler for Detail

Walking up the steps to get ready for bed...
J: Cayden, what did you just eat off the floor?
C: A raisin.
J: (trying to ignore the pile of dog hair he just fished it out of) Cayden, we don't eat food off the floor
C: It's not a floor Mommy, it's a step

Sunday, April 11, 2010


C: Toku bites me when I pet him for real
T: That's true. Toku usually bites you when you pet him. But you roar at him a lot.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Dangerous Boy

Oddly enough my crazy little guy loves to play with weapons.  So I let him.

Thursday, April 01, 2010


Seeing as we have a gigantic dog and seeing as we have a 3 yr old and seeing as we damn well feel like it, we have decided to fence in our back yard. So last Sunday we invited some of our friends over to help dig 2' deep holes in our yard, no small amount of labor, for which we paid them beer and pizza and cheeseburgers.

22 post holes were dug and 22 fence posts were set and without the generous spirit of our friends I would still be out there trying to level a post and tamp it at the same time. So thank you to all who helped us out. Many BBQs this summer to follow.