Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Wonders of Technology

Since our lives have been a *little* more hectic of late, I have supplemented my smartphone with an amazing bit of technology that helps me keep track of time and keeps me from being late. I realized I needed it when the second day after Ty's knee destruction, I was late twice in one day to pick him up. Impressive, eh? Just what is this wonder object: a watch. I haven't worm one since before grad school, but let me extol its virtues: when you wear a watch you know what time it is! It is water resistant, so I no longer accidentally take a 20 minute shower. It is not socially awkward to glance down, so I can end conversations and meetings in a timely manner, and thus arrive at my next destination on time! The best part? The watch Ty found for me is completely mechanical, it requires neither winding, nor batteries. Its the little things in life... In other news, Ty's MCL is doing well and he got the okay from the doctor to drive and walk! Two weeks of "normal" activity before he goes under the knife and is knocked back to square one.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Sprayberry Reality TV Update: Return of the Bionic Man

As we return to the never ending comedy of our lives, the scene opens on a hungry pregnant woman answering a phone call from her husband (who was supposed to buy her ice cream after dojo):

phone rings
J; The answer is chocolate
T: The answer is I blew out my other knee.
J: Are you serious?
T: Why would I joke about that?

Sadly it is true, within one week of being told that I am not allowed to lift anything heavier than 15-20 lbs, Tyson shredded his right knee. This has led to an increasing opportunity for the absurd yet comical in our house. For example, I have a strict policy of never feeding our cats. You know why? Feed them once and they harass you for at least a month. Then, I cease to like my cats and begin viewing them as likely targets for a well-timed kick (so far I have resisted). The only thing that could possibly induce me to feed them is their impending starvation. Given Ty's inability to, oh, walk, starvation was actually on the table and I caved. I fed them. Of course, due to my inexperience, I didn't push the futon far enough over their bowl and came home the next day after going to an ultrasound, running Tyson home, driving to work to teach a lab, sprinting out of lab to pick up Cayden, loading Tyson in the car to get to the doctor, waiting at the doctor, and getting take out for dinner to a lovely pile of dog vomit on the living room floor because Roland had eaten all the cat food. Freaking cats. Other entertaining out-takes include 3 year olds and poop (ask in person, it's hysterical), and a leak in my lab right over all the computers. Happily we are all keeping a sense of humor here because we live with Tyson. My personal favorite of his many and varied explanations of what happened to his leg is: "I was saving orphans from a fire [holds up hand to stop listener from interrupting], but I don't like the word hero".

Two weeks post injury we have a better idea what is going on. He partially tore his MCL, completely tore his ACL and bruised the bones on the exterior side of the knee joint. For those of you around in 2003, this is a virtually identical injury to the left knee. And no, he wasn't doing anything dumb, it was an expression of the stochastic nature of our universe. So, 6 weeks in a walking brace, then surgery, then 6 weeks of rehab. In another 11 weeks or so we will see him without a gigantic brace on his leg again. Between the 19 pillows it takes for me to sleep comfortably, Tyson's brace, and Tyson's extra pillows our bed is starting to resemble a complex three dimensional spatial packing problem more than a relaxing place to snooze. Cayden asked to snuggle the other morning and I stared at him as though he had two heads. Where do you imagine you are going to fit child?

As always, our friends and family have been amazing: helping move things, entertaining Cayden, cleaning, and swapping cars with us (thanks Dad!). We continue to be, for some unknown reason, a phenomenally blessed family. Thank you all!

BTW: at that ultrasound we discovered we are having another little boy. While I fear the chaos, I am so excited about brothers. Cayden has given his little brother the in utero nickname of Dune Buggy and now regularly talks to and kisses my belly. It is painfully sweet.