Monday, September 03, 2012

She asked for it...

We celebrated the end of the summer at The! Great! Allentown! Fair! on Saturday night with special guest-star Vavo. Much fun was had by all - I can't tell what Tyson enjoys more, poking fuzzy bunnies or riffling through the RV displays (I won't even endeavor to describe Vavo's joy at the dairy cows, I couldn't do it justice). Since Dalton is a bit young for rides and a bit intolerant of life past bedtime, I left Cayden, Daddy and Vavo to enjoy the rides for another hour while I walked home to put the pumpkin in bed. As I was headed towards the exit a little boy shoved by me to run ahead. Hot on his heals was a woman calling, "Loki! Wait!". Um, yeah...