Sunday, December 15, 2013

Fun With Language Learning

setting the scene…. Dalton sits comfortably on Mommy's lap while Daddy points to a picture on the computer

T: That's Christiano Ronaldo opening a Cristiano Ronaldo Museum
J: No! Really? What a putz.
J (to D): You're not a putz, you're my boy.
D:. I not a boy, I a PUTZ!

For reference:

Friday, November 22, 2013

Future NPR Anchorman?

This is what Cayden, my six year old son, said to me first thing in the morning last week:

C: Well, Mommy…. I had quite the battle with my pants.

J: Oh yeah?

C: Yes - but the I realized that if you push from the back that little thing pops out and you can just zip them up. So I think I have got this whole pants thing figured out now.

Monday, November 18, 2013

It's just not the same

Comparing the older sibling to the younger sibling (in a nonjudgmental way, of course):

Cayden (at age two, sad about going to bed): I want my Mommy!

Dalton (last night, also sad about going to bed): I want my Mommy! I want my Mommy!…….. Cayden, go get Mommy!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Irony is...

Getting stabbed in the eye with a wooden training knife less than 5 minutes after you, your training partner, and your instructor all agree that safety glasses would be a good idea and determine that we would all pack some in our bags for next week. Happily I managed to fish the contact lens off the back of my eyeball without a trip to the ER.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Child of Hippies

Dalton: Me Dalton napkin!
Cayden: No Dalton, not that one. We have cloth ones, we don't use those because they are disposable.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Next Generation

Now that we are settled into Seattle a little bit, Cayden started camp at Discovery park on Monday. He has come back with some impressive war wounds - on his first day he hid in a thorn bush during the camouflage lesson. Getting in was apparently easy, but getting out was more of a challenge. Last night Tyson noticed another bloody scrape on the inside of Cayden's wrist:

T: What is that one from?
C: I don't know! It's like a discovered check Daddy, only it's a discovered wound! I just found it today!

I thought that Tyson might actually weep with pride and joy - he finally has somebody in the house to play chess with.