Friday, November 22, 2013

Future NPR Anchorman?

This is what Cayden, my six year old son, said to me first thing in the morning last week:

C: Well, Mommy…. I had quite the battle with my pants.

J: Oh yeah?

C: Yes - but the I realized that if you push from the back that little thing pops out and you can just zip them up. So I think I have got this whole pants thing figured out now.

Monday, November 18, 2013

It's just not the same

Comparing the older sibling to the younger sibling (in a nonjudgmental way, of course):

Cayden (at age two, sad about going to bed): I want my Mommy!

Dalton (last night, also sad about going to bed): I want my Mommy! I want my Mommy!…….. Cayden, go get Mommy!