Friday, May 18, 2007

Again with the timing


Our friend Kate made us the cutest cloth diaper, with organic cotton velour and organic earth day fabric. Cayden decided to break it in with style, taking an enormous poo less than 5 minutes after I put it on him for the first time. On the plus side, I discovered that the diaper rash cream I made (recipe in 'Better Basics for the Home', best book EVER) not only clears up any small rashed he has, it makes wiping off poo much much easier.

And again with the pictures. These are getting a bit obsolete, as he has had a major growth spurt since my parents left. Hopefully the camera will be fixed soon:

Cayden expresses his opinion about the hot ride in the car seat

Cayden's first trip to Frankies, home of the best Mexican style budget breakfasts in Tucson. For classic american diner fare, we recommend the Broadway Cafe.

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