Thursday, September 28, 2006

No spice shall be left behind!


One of the hardest things about leaving Seattle has been the food. We had the best grocery store on the planet (Central Market). This grocery store was so remarkable, that all of our out-of-town visitors to Seattle who saw it have asked us if we miss it since moving to Tucson. Um, YES! Happily, I got a little taste of ex-home delivered last week. The world's greatest spice merchant ( is online! I brought my parents there 5 years ago and they have been refilling their spice jars in NC via the internet ever since. The smell of the package delivered to my house last week was unbelievably divine, and makes our house smell like a home. For those of you unfamiliar with spice guy, you really should get aquainted. My top recommendations are the italian herb (which I substitute for every generic herb in every recipe), svaneti salt, avacado leaf, chipotle moreno, pasillo oaxo, and kashmiri curry (accurate spelling not gauranteed). This is a fraction of our collection, but these are the ones I am least capable of living without. Now seriously, treat yourself and buy a new spice.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Advantages to travelling with a pregnant lady


- you get to eat all the time
- you will never be the person who asks the driver to pull over at a rest station
- time for afternoon naps is a given
- you will feel athletically superior, as you can walk more than a 1/2 mile without resting
- you will get lots of alone time, as the pregnant lady will frequently abandon you to nap
- you probably thought you had another 6 months before getting out of the house took that long (do we have snacks? comfortable shoes? a sweatshirt? 3 gallons of water? oh god, unlock the door I forgot my vitamins!)

My fantastic inlaws, Roger and Teri, are in town. Over the weekend we drove up to the Grand Canyon, which was awesome. We regularly realized we had lost Roger, only to find him staring raptly into the canyon a quarter mile back along the trail. Teri was unable to stop hiking along the rim, eventually losing all of us to afternoon naps and doing the last several miles by herself. I was the first to fall (Tyson escorted me home), but Roger made it all the way to lunch. The weather was picture-perfect sunny fall. ty and I hadn't realized how much we missed cool weather, and coming back into the hot Tucson sun was really hard. Before coming down here, we wondered if we would fall in love and want to stay forever. Being in that crisp fall air over the weekend was like coming home. I can't imagine settling long term in a climate where I have to order my seasonal pumkin-spice latte iced because it is 95 degrees outside.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A New Floor!


For the record, we have the most amazing friends ever. Not one, not two, but three of our friends dedicated their Saturday to installing our new floor. Thanks to them we can now walk barefoot in our living room, hallway, and half of the dining area. The remainder of the house is still terrifiying to touch. One more day will finish up the kitchen and dining area, then we will be mostly done with our living space! This last phase would have been twice as long and wasted 10x as much flooring if we had been blundering through with out Jeff, Gaspar, and Steve. Thanks guys!

The good news is we now have a floor for you all to sleep on, as Hamilton and his band can attest to. This means you have no excuse to not book tickets, unless you are a pansy and are holding out until the guest room is finished and you can have a bed to sleep in.
9 Weeks In And My Pants Don't Fit


I hit 9 weeks last thursday. Last friday I was getting ready to leave the house when I realized my pants, that I wore on thursday, were uncomfortable. I unzipped them and my belly lunged out of them, never to be contained again. I have gained exactly 1 pound and it is protruding 3" horizontally in front of my hips. According to all my books, I should still have my girlish figure. This could be a long, stretching 31 weeks.

Friday, September 01, 2006

God help my husband...


... if this intense craving for refried beans continues much longer.