Tuesday, March 20, 2007

162.5 and holding


We went to the doctor today and discovered that I haven't gained weight for 3 weeks! This is an unheard of event for this pregnancy, as I am usually gaining double what all those silly websites say. Interestingly, I have only met one woman who had a totaly pregnancy weight gain that jived with those websites. Everyone else I have talked to gained in the range of 40-50 pounds. (I am up 37.5). In light of this new information, I feel absolutely no guilt over that twix bar I ate on Sunday. Tyson, the truely supportive husband, ate it with me in solidarity. The doc we saw today is our backup lady, who is really nice. She is not as cool as our primary doc, who could be our long lost twin in terms of attitude towards child birth, but we are comfortable with her filling in if there is a problem. She surprised me today by saying she didn't think we would make it to 40 weeks. I am not sure what she is basing this on, but she thinks twitchy will make an entrance in the next 3 weeks. I have been fairly convinced he would be late. Any bets?

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