Tuesday, June 05, 2007

To the whirring of a breast pump


Well, I am back in lab. Yesterday marked my first day away from Cayden, and my first day lactating into a machine at my office. And by 'office' I mean 'small public cubicle in between two other people'. While I am completely comfortable nursing in public, something about hooking myself up to this machine in the presence of two people trying to type and get work done makes me incredibly self conscious. Not enough to dissuade me from pumping, because if I don't we will need to supplement breast feeding with formula, but enough that I dread it. I imagine this will go away.

Leaving Cayden yesterday stunk. I kissed him goodbye and he started wailing ('You noticed me, but you're not going to pick me up!?!'), and I almost cried on the way to work. At least I am leaving him with Ty, which is so much easier than day care. Hopefully by the time August rolls around, I will be less traumatized. Then it will be Tyson's turn to go through withdrawal. Because he understands my pain. Tyson brought Cayden (and Jeff) for a mid-day picnic today. After my baby fix, I am working much more efficiently. (except for a brief break to write this)

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