Saturday, August 11, 2007

Big Ugly Grubs

[ty] 11 Aug '07

Today I was slaving away in my yard trying to undo some of the burrowing damage my idiot dog has done. As I was moving a couple of flagstones I noticed what appeared to be a couple of very large larvae. Turns out thats exactly what they were. Grubs. Big, ugly, grubs. With some pretty gnarly pincers.

If you reckon you're made of pretty sturdy stuff there's a video of their leader trying to attack me here.

In other news I started school Thursday. So far so good. Kids are fun. Am I ready for the school year you ask? I think this speaks for itself...

And of course the latest update on Nubby.

Nubby is very very cute, no?

And here are two more movies of him working his new Jumperoo.
Jumperoo 1
Jumperoo 2


Anonymous said...

um, I have two comments:
1. I accosted these poor people with a Cayden age baby and forced them to hand him over because I miss Cayden and

2. I can't see the movies!

Sprayberry said...

hmm. i think i fixed the problem. they're ".mov"s so they should work as long as you have a quicktime plug-in. let me know if they still dont work and ill resave them as .mpgs


Kendra said...

I think perhaps you got confussed in one of those videos, and called the larvae in the Jumper "Grubby" instead of "Nubby"... also those are WICKED scary. Did you put them in a jar with holes to see what they'll become?

alex said...
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alex said...

asdjkfhalsdkj; my mom and i have been sitting up in my office watching all of your baby movies and laughing. you baby is such a character! just like his daddy! i miss your classss! i will come in another time to chill with you and we will discuss more of my bad deeds. LOL
<3 alex holt