Sunday, August 26, 2007

Master Cleansers of the Universe

[ty] 26 Aug o7

I'm about to embark on the controversial "Master Cleanse" diet. Now just so that there's no misunderstanding I'm 33 yrs old, 5'10" (1.7m), 175 lbs (80kg) and perfectly happy with my weight, body, and proportions. What I'm not happy with is the idea that the average American male is carrying around up to 30 lbs (15kg) of undigested food in his colon. That's really not ok.

The basic idea here is that you fast for 4-10 days drinking nothing but a home-made lemonade with syrup and pepper in it. The syrup provides you with enough calories to operate and the cayenne pepper is for flavor. After the first day or two what's already in your intestines clears out. After that the acidic lemonade loosens the accumulated "intestinal plaque" from your colon and, combined with a laxative tea and salt water flushes, you supposedly clear out toxins and junk from your body. That's the theory anyway. My personal Pharmacist/Yoghini (Kev G. for those of you in the know) has walked this path himself and recommended it to me.

Mind you I am certainly not of the opinion that I, currently, have that much undigested food hanging out in my viscera. Rather, I'm curious what I have inside me that could be cleaned out. I've been eating relatively well since marrying an intestinally challenged hippy-chick so I'm not on the McD's crew but I do live in America and I don't chew my food well. So hey, maybe I'll get back that toy car I swallowed last winter.

At any rate. I ate a PB sandwich with some hashbrowns for lunch today and nothing since. I've been mentally preparing myself for 2 weeks now and shopping around for organic lemons. Today I found them at a good price and I assumed it was a sign so I'm off and running.

In other news Jordanna found an awesome hat for nubby that I'm keeping him in till he's 15. I put up some more nubby pics on our website. Go here.

Nubby in his new Sassy-Hat

We went "Blacklighting" with our friends Ruben, Anna, and Jamie last night. Absolutely amazing. More pics of my burgeoning beetle collection coming soon.

Ok, the time has come to test Blogger's new video function.

Just a few of the beetles from last night.


Kendra said...

That is horrifying. HORRIFYING.

B. Ro said...

Hey Tyson,
My best friend did the Master Cleanse a few months ago. She's going to be a bridesmaid at my wedding, so maybe you two can swap stories!