Friday, August 24, 2007

Stumpy meet Nubby, Nubby meet Stumpy

[jd] 24 August 2007

One bizarre side effect of Toku's accident is that he is way more interested in Cayden now. I had both of them on my lap the other day and Toku kept reaching out to sniff Cayden. Cayden responded by whacking Toku on the top of the head and trying to pull off his ear. Happily Cayden's ability to clench and unclench his fist is sketchy at best, and he ended up making a vague scratching gesture on Toku's head. Toku didn't seem to mind this at all, which I find strange because he still has no skin on his head. I can only assume the scab is itchy and Cayden's ministrations felt good, because he kept purring the whole time. All in all Toku is healing faster than I would have thought possible. Six days post-surgery he is almost entirely off pain meds and trying to sneak out of the house already. He will get his stitches out next week, which means his cone can come off, which means he can clean his skanky butt, which will make everybody happy. We had a great understanding with Genghis. When ever he was hurt, the first thing he did when you pulled off hte cone was clean his butt. You had just enough time to wash the cone before he moved on to attacking stitches, and then you could slap it on and everybody would go about their day just a little bit less smelly. Toku, unfortunately, has not mastered this concept. We will keep you updated on his progress, but all in all we are as pleased as we can be with our three legged cat.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I stumbled across your blog weeks ago and now I'm checking in regularly :-)
I hope Toku will recover very very soon, I'm so sorry. We recently had a lot of sorrow with our guineapigs and rabbits and the photos vividly remind me of nasty operations our furry friends had to go through. Luckily animals are such Pros who can go on with their lives with 3 legs, 1 eye and 1 ear. I wish you and Toku a lot of strength to master the healing process and the new situation!!!

Greetings from Germany,

Sprayberry said...

3 jegs, 1 eye and 1 ear! Sounds like your furry pals have had a rougher time than Toku. I am amazed at how fast he is bouncing back though, he has already made two breaks for freedom. Thanks for the well wishes, we will pass them on to the three legged wonder : )

Unknown said...

I showed my husband Ivo photos of your cat. Kendra used Toku as a warning for us not to let our cat be indoor/outdoor.
She's still a baby, so it's egal in the moment.
She's got all 4 legs but is, even so, not the best bum cleaner.