Monday, September 17, 2007

Nubby Represents

[ty] 17 Sept '07

Despite the monsoon of allegations and press surrounding Bill B. and the Pats my son knows what's up and happily represents in the name of New England.

We also had a wonderful visit from Grandpa Spray II who lives in Vegas and hence enjoys the ability to fly down after work on Friday and head home Sunday afternoon.

Bathtime brought to you by the number 2 and the letter O.

So thats a quick pictorial update of the last week or so at Casa de Sprayberry. Right now Jordanna and the Nub are in Seattle wearing denim and sweatshirts while I swelter in the chill autumn upper 90's of Tucson. I head out Thursday to attend/officiate the celebrated Wang Clan Thang as our good friends George and Beth make their union official in the eyes of the state.

JD called me to let me know that she had safely arrived and the first thing she said to me was "I'm where you want to be." Beeatch.

More pics later. Check out the video of Shark-Baby attack...


Anonymous said...

It truly is a miracle, one of God's gifts. I weep when I see something so beautiful, so precious, so rare on this earth. I think you'll all agree, a Patriots sweatshirt is simply breath-taking.

That kid's pretty cute too.

Unknown said...

hahaha. well put cow-dog.

Unknown said...

A. I knew that there was no way that kid was gettin' so big so fast on breast milk alone!

B. C'mon lil' Spray! Represent!
Here in Zürich I only heard Sunday about the *ahem* unpleasantness.

hugs from a gal who'd also like to be in Seattle.