Tuesday, November 13, 2007

This time it's not my fault

[jd] 13 November 2007

Back when I was a naive, irresponsible mother of a 6 week old baby, I ate a bagel while nursing my son. This may seem innocent, but it was not a plain bagel. It was a poppy-seed bagel. And what happens when you eat poppy-seed bagels? A fine dusting of poppy seeds coats the immediate vicinity. If your fragile 6 week old baby is in that vicinity, there is a decent chance they will get a poppy seed in their eye. This is gauranteed to make you feel like a GOOD MOM, and you and your spouse will spend the next twenty minutes looking over your shoulder for CPS agents while playing with q-tips, saline, and a screaming child during the seed extraction. Needless to say I started covering the kid up with a napkin while I ate.

Cayden, however, did not seem to take home any life lessons from this experience. This morning while I was nursing him, I noticed a globby white piece of rice in his eye and an image flashed through my head. An image of Cayden at dinner last night. After getting a handful of peas and rice & quinoa cereal, he realized he was tired and rubbed his eyes. Many many times. Because, once they have green eyebrows you are laughing too hard to try and stop them from doing it again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! I am not the only one who doesn't manage to wash their kids before bed.... (if you had managed to wipe off the green eyebrows you might have noticed the rice in the eye)