Wednesday, December 26, 2007

In Maine...

[ty] The Day After Xmas, '07

We're here in Maine with Jordanna's sister and her family, my parents, and Jordanna's parents.  So far all has gone well and the children have been excellent.  We'll post some more extensive stories of the Frozen Lake Incident, how JD lost part of her toe, and The Time Tyson Fell Out of the Bus on the Highway Even Though We Weren't Moving Very Fast.

For now here are some pictures to tide everybody over.

Never mind.  Blogger doesn't want to upload the images.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Nubby's First Tournament

[ty] 16 Dec '07

We hosted a JV wrestling tournament at my school this weekend and the usual plan for such a day is I abandon my wife to fare as she may with Nubbs till I return in the evening. Unfortunately JD became DEATHLY ill Friday and could barely crawl to the bathroom to avoid wetting herself.

So on Saturday morning I brewed myself an extra serving of coffee, threw Nubby and the Wife in the car at 7:30, dropped JD off at Urgent Care on my way North and got on the horn to my wrestling managers to meet me at the school for babysitting duty.

Now before you all castigate me mercilessly for slowing down to 20 and kicking my comatose wife to the curb of the hospital entrance let me say that I will NOT bring Nubby into a hospital unless he is in severe need of medical attention. I read last week that antibiotic resistant strains of Staph infections killed more people in hospitals in 2005 than HIV/AIDS. The last time we took him to Urgent Care he picked up a Snot-Cough that lasted for 2 weeks. Nuff said.

Anyway, despite the fact that they don't get paid for their managing duties both of my awesome girls took my early morning call, warmed up their cars in the sub-freezing Tucson morning and met me at the school to watch my kid all day. For no less than 9 hours they fed my kid, put him down for naps, changed his diapers, kept him occupied, and STILL kept score for both mats throughout the entire tournament. They rule and I will be buying them Starbucks cards on my way to school this week.

My freshman holds him Very Carefully...

Our JV team

Babysitter Numero Uno

This ref loved Nubby and would come hold him whenever he wasn't on the mat

Babysitter numero dos

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Just because I won't let him at my boobs...

[jd] 11 December

After another drop in my weight and a week of pumping blue-tinged milk that had literally 1 drop of fat per bottle, we decided to officially wean the Nub. He has been on formula for a little over a week, and I am only nursing him at night. In the past week we have seen a slight decrease in his desire for solid food, and a ravenous excitement about the bottle. Rather than refusing formula (as soome breastfed babies do), he is doing super well on it. However, his willingness to abandon the boobs for eating purposes has not diminished his desire for boobs AT ALL. When I pick him up now there is a 50/50 chance he will pull open the neck of my shirt, open his mouth and rub it back and forth on my chest while making 'ahhh baa baa' sounds. This is both funny and heartbreaking. But mostly funny.

Monday, December 10, 2007

An Uncanny Ability to Talk Anybody into Anything

[jd] 10 December 2007

Have you ever found yourself doign something completely ridiculous, that you would really rather not be doing, at the behest of a cajoling and laughing Tyson? (see exhibit A) Those of you who have know EXACTLY what I am talking about. Well, you are not alone. Tonight Roland came over for some love. After some good snuggles and pets, Ty grabbed the side of his face, placed his mouth over the dog's nose and blew. After the dog's lips fluttered about from this abuse, he shoved his head into Tyson's lap for more pets.

Friday, December 07, 2007

The Knitting Monster

[jd] 8 Dec 2007

I was passing out in my chair at 8:30, and yet here I am writing a blog post at 12:05 am. Why? Because if I just knit 6 more rows, I'll be finished with this neckband.