Monday, December 10, 2007

An Uncanny Ability to Talk Anybody into Anything

[jd] 10 December 2007

Have you ever found yourself doign something completely ridiculous, that you would really rather not be doing, at the behest of a cajoling and laughing Tyson? (see exhibit A) Those of you who have know EXACTLY what I am talking about. Well, you are not alone. Tonight Roland came over for some love. After some good snuggles and pets, Ty grabbed the side of his face, placed his mouth over the dog's nose and blew. After the dog's lips fluttered about from this abuse, he shoved his head into Tyson's lap for more pets.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I once committed a criminal act of "smuggling" at Ty's cajoling and carrying on! I know this phenomenon.