Saturday, April 19, 2008



So I'm driving home from work yesterday listening to All Things Considered on our local NPR station KUAZ. They're not a bad public radio station. But they're not really a very good one either. Perhaps I'm spoiled by WGBH and KUOW but when your main news anchor consistently stumbles over the strange and difficult word "Tucson" I'm thinking it might be time to call it quits and turn the equipment over to Christian Life Radio.

Anyway, as per FCC regulations, KUAZ initiated a test of the emergency broadcast system during a break in my All Things Considered program and there's NO NOISE. Nothing. Dead silence for the required 10 seconds. Then they come back on the air with the standard "If this had been a real emergency, the noise you just heard would be followed by...blah...blah...blah".

Yet another reason to get the hell out of Chrysler: If there's actually an emergency we'll be the last to know.

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