Monday, May 26, 2008

And the battle continues...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

By Popular Demand

Here are some more movies of everyone's favorite demon baby.

Cayden dances for Mommy. You can't hear it, but we are listening to some great bluegrass.

Two stubborn wills collide. Stumpy refuses to leave no matter how loud Cayden is or how often his tail gets yanked. Cayden, in turn, can not be dissuaded from yanking said tail no matter how many times he gets bitten.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I am taking the day off work today because I am good for nothing. My brain and heart are in Atlanta today, with the rest of my family. The Henrys and Jordans are laying to rest my Uncle Hamilton. Hamilton was a remarkable man with a the remarkable combination of a satirical wit and a whimsical sense of humor. He was equally likely to engage people in a political debate as he was to play pranks at the dinner table (like stuffing your hand in your milk glass at the end of grace. thanks for that). But all of these attributes are difficult for me to adequately describe, because I am not a particularly good writer. And they are irrelevant, because they were completely eclipsed by his love for his family, and their love for him. He leaves behind my Aunt Doffy and my three amazing cousins, Hamilton Jr, Kathleen, and Alex. The New York Times wrote a beautiful article about him, it is worth perusing. Goodbye Hamilton, we love you.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Quarantine Update

The Pima Country Health Department's physician reviewed Cayden's symptoms and decided it doesn't sound like Measles. We're free!

A certain little boy I know, not to name names, had a really miserable weekend. He cried and cried and cried, had an intermittent fever, runny nose, gooky eyes, and in general made us rush to the phone to try and find some gypsies to call approximately once an hour. During one particularly strident bout of wailing on Sunday, we were checking to see if he had a nasty diaper and noticed that the bug bites on his arms and legs had become a full blown rash on his torso. Given that Tucson is currently experiencing a Measles outbreak, I decided it was time to call the doctor. The doctor said that his symptoms were a good enough match that I should call the health department. The health department said his symptoms were a good enough match that they wanted to send a rash team to the house to examine him. And so here we are, Nubby and Mommy locked in the house waiting for the men in white coats. When I call in to work, they are so going to think I am making this up.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

And the light goes on


I am not really sure how we got on the topic, but I was telling my therapist this morning about what Tyson calls my "something shiny" disorder. His theory is that I lose everything because I will notice something as I walk through a room, throw what ever is in my hands over my head, and then when I want my phone four hours later have no idea where it is because that shirt that has been crumpled on the couch for four days needed to be ironed. My therapist nodded her head and said, "You cope with your A.D.D. really well, you should write a book". I stared at her blankly, and then busted out laughing. Suddenly it all made sense. The parent-teacher conferences where year after year the teachers would say, "She's really smart, she just needs to start paying attention in class". My inability to listen to a seminar without knitting. Why I compulsively cook two meals at a time, or burn the one meal I am cooking because I am trying to simultaneously put away laundry. Happily it is currently working in my favor, because I am getting very good at distracting myself away from panic attacks.

In other news, I finally have Frugal Hippy up and running. At least kind of. It is a blog of interesting eco- friendly/ crafty stuff I find, and summarizes a lot of the research Ty and I have done into lower impact living. There are many more pages to add, but check it out! If you have any interest in cloth diapers, that section is completed.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Want it!

[jd] 13 May 2008

Our amazing diaper manufacturer has improved upon their design (see old and busted versus new hotness). Don't get me wrong, I love our diapers and I am glad they are still making them. But the organic cotton calls to me...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Local Baby Walks...

ty [11 may '08]

After many months of pulling himself up and crashing back to Earth on all fours the boy has finally begun to experiment with walking as a means of transport.

If the videos below don't work then these are direct links to them.



Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Last Day of Class

[jd] 6 May 2008

So today was my last formal class, which consisted of a 5 point lab and me telling students their final grades. If they are happy with their grade, they don't need to take the final next week or attend the review. In other words, they are done with class. So I was really surprised when ten minutes into class I only had 5 students in the room. I was contemplating how to restructure the lab when the door opened and a stream of students start coming in. Within another 10 minutes I had 16 students. I am passing back papers when I notice that more than one person is talking about how 'her best friend turns out to be totally in love with her, and she didn't even know she was a lesbian'. Doubting that this was happening in more than one student's personal life, I asked them what they were talking about. Turns out my entire class was sitting in the parking lot glued to their radios, listening to KRQ93.7's Confession Wednesdays. It's just like an NPR moment, only trashier. Apparently on Thursdays they have War of the Roses. I totally need to start listening to this station...

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I don't really expect anything socially-redeeming...

[jd] 6 May 2008

...from all the penis-enlargement junk email I get, but the phrase "unleash your wrath on unsuspecting girls once you've started on this formula" is just disturbing.