Saturday, June 28, 2008

New Videos


For all of you who have demanded new videos of El Quatro (so named for his 4 prominent teeth).

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

They grow so fast

I had a phone conversation with my god-daughter Sadie last night, which is crazy because the last time I saw her she was 11 months old and crawling through the jungle of a Seattle lawn. It went something like this:

S: Hi
J: Hi sweetie! How are you?
S: Good
J: Did you feed your goats tonight? (they have 100 acres and some livestock east of the Cascades)
S: Yes
J: What is your favorite goat's name?
S: Washing Machine

From now on, I am going to get her to name all my pets.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Missed the Point

One of the pros of parenting is that you no longer suffer from loneliness while you go to the bathroom. Yesterday, while Cayden was keeping me company, he went into the shower and started banging on the glass doors. Since I couldn't exactly jump up and stop him, I was telling him 'no'. While I had absolutely no success at getting him to stop he did learn a new word. By the end of our instructional session, he would touch the glass and emphatically shake his head while saying nooooo.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Longest Plane Ride Ever

Cayden and I just got back from a week with Nana and Pop-Pop. I had a conference at UNC, and I think it is against the rules of human decency to travel within an hour and a half of your parents and not bring them their grandchild. So I packed a laptop, diaper bag, and thirteen month old baby into a tiny airplane seat for 6 hours (on two planes). Who needs to lift weights when you are contantly grabbing/ tickling/ righting/ jiggling a 25 lb kid? Cayden did very well.... for a one year old. But really? Very well still equals CONSTANT INTERVENTION. And those new toys/ books I packed? Useless. The bounce on the tray table game was a big hit though. Especially with the added bonus of being able to smack the unfortunate soul in the seat in front of me on the top of his shiny bald head. Sorry about that. Despite the exhausting plane travel, the trip was a success. Cayden can now say Pop Pop, and has decided he defintely loves his parents. He hasn't said Mama since February, but the day my parents came to get me at my conference (after having him alone for two days), he stood up in his crib, waved bye bye and said Mama. After another two days of being with me at my parents, he started grabbing our hands and walking us to the garage door while saying Dada. Consequently Tyson got the best father's day present ever, a kid who was completely convinced that he is the best, most-desirable father ever. That and a copy of The Great Muppet Caper.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Gozer the Destructor


Its certainly no surprise to anyone who knows us that keeping our house "show-ready" has been a bit of a challenge. For awhile JD would stay home for an hour after I brought Nubby to school and clean. On weekends the house has to be clean and ready by Saturday morning Just In Case. All of this is enough of a pain in the ass without Cayden's help. Luckily for us his new trick is emptying a kitchen drawer in the blink of an eye. As the below video will attest, he has a very careful deliberation about it as he goes about his chosen vocation: making a mess.


This morning as Cayden was playing on the back porch, I was sitting in a chair next to him knitting and drinking coffee. Pretty much my idea of heaven. Tyson carries over another chair so he can sit with us and says, "Hey... look at that big fat baby! And my son too!". Cayden looked up at him and busted out laughing. We need to adopt a little girl so that somebody in this family will be on my side.