Monday, June 16, 2008

Longest Plane Ride Ever

Cayden and I just got back from a week with Nana and Pop-Pop. I had a conference at UNC, and I think it is against the rules of human decency to travel within an hour and a half of your parents and not bring them their grandchild. So I packed a laptop, diaper bag, and thirteen month old baby into a tiny airplane seat for 6 hours (on two planes). Who needs to lift weights when you are contantly grabbing/ tickling/ righting/ jiggling a 25 lb kid? Cayden did very well.... for a one year old. But really? Very well still equals CONSTANT INTERVENTION. And those new toys/ books I packed? Useless. The bounce on the tray table game was a big hit though. Especially with the added bonus of being able to smack the unfortunate soul in the seat in front of me on the top of his shiny bald head. Sorry about that. Despite the exhausting plane travel, the trip was a success. Cayden can now say Pop Pop, and has decided he defintely loves his parents. He hasn't said Mama since February, but the day my parents came to get me at my conference (after having him alone for two days), he stood up in his crib, waved bye bye and said Mama. After another two days of being with me at my parents, he started grabbing our hands and walking us to the garage door while saying Dada. Consequently Tyson got the best father's day present ever, a kid who was completely convinced that he is the best, most-desirable father ever. That and a copy of The Great Muppet Caper.

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