Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Lion Sleeps Tonight


Although Cayden was officially alive last Halloween we didn't dress him up or parade him around in a gratuitous attempt to garner praise for how cute he is. So to celebrate we made up for it this year by taking him on a trick-or-treat bonanza at the local dorm sponsored by a
local sorority. Aie mi dios, what a scene.

There were at least 75 kids all dressed up, some happy, some screamy, most dazed and sweaty in their polyester outfits. They paraded us through 3 dorms in groups of 8 where over-perfumed undergrads smiled and distributed candy to the thankless children.

At first Cayden wanted nothing to do with any of the madness and clung to his mother frantically. After a few minutes of watching the other children though he worked up the moxie to receive a twix bar from a very nice young lady and the game was on. Selfless father that I am I allowed him to pick whatever candy he wanted before stuffing it in the bag that I am working my way through as I write this.

In an attempt to teach our child manners we tried to make him say Thank You each time after receiving his sugared communion. Unfortunately our plan of teaching him sign language has backfired and all the students were baffled by his smiling gesture of self-strangulation.

At any rate, he seemed to have an enjoyable time and I now have enough candy to last me at least a few days.

His two latest obsessions are his bibs and the hat mommy made him.

The look of "OMG!! HE'S SO CUTE!!" is clearly visible here.

Our little predator.

I think I startled him.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


This is the first time in four weeks I don't have to work on the weekend. I'm still be grading at naptime, but I don't have to. Consequently, we have home-made yogurt, bread, rice milk, and you get some pictures.

two babies, two balls

Missy snuggles Lily and Cayden

Kendra gave Cayden the Baby Beluga book. For this I shall devise a creative retribution, as I am required to sing this song at least 5x a day.

Cayden loves Mr. Cholcolate and BlaBla

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Not back, despite popular demand

Sorry for the complete lack of photos and videos. I know that all our readership wants is MORE CHUBBY CHEEKS! Just in case you were wondering, his cheeks are still chubby and he is still adorable. Hopefully we will be able to get some better visual media up this weekend. Until then, here is a tidbit for you: My son knows approximately 13 words. One of them is coffee. As in, "Mommy will read you a book after she fixes her coffee" or " Mommy will make you eggs after she puts on the coffee".

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Quote of the day

I was reading an article on harvesting methane from landfills when I came across this:

"The landfill will break everything else down over time, except hot dogs -- they come up 10 years later looking about the same. I don't eat hot dogs anymore."


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

More Poop Horror Stories

I can't tell if our lives will be more or less interesting when Cayden potty trains. Anyway, I am a big fan of naked baby time and was undressing Cayden the other day when Ty asked if he had pooped yet (our son is a solid once a day kind of guy). I said no, but don't worry about it, if he poops I'll clean it up. Given that I am the one that sprays the diapers into the toilet, I can honestly say poop on the floor is easier to clean. So baby is running around all cute and naked, and I am getting ready to go upstairs when Cayden comes running towards me with Tyson hot on his heels crying, "grab him! he just took a big poop on the kitchen floor and we need to clean him!". True to my word, I went into the kitchen to clean it up but there was no poop to be found! In the 30 seconds it took Ty to summon me, Roland came to my assistance. Moral of the story: don't let my dog give you kisses.