Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Lion Sleeps Tonight


Although Cayden was officially alive last Halloween we didn't dress him up or parade him around in a gratuitous attempt to garner praise for how cute he is. So to celebrate we made up for it this year by taking him on a trick-or-treat bonanza at the local dorm sponsored by a
local sorority. Aie mi dios, what a scene.

There were at least 75 kids all dressed up, some happy, some screamy, most dazed and sweaty in their polyester outfits. They paraded us through 3 dorms in groups of 8 where over-perfumed undergrads smiled and distributed candy to the thankless children.

At first Cayden wanted nothing to do with any of the madness and clung to his mother frantically. After a few minutes of watching the other children though he worked up the moxie to receive a twix bar from a very nice young lady and the game was on. Selfless father that I am I allowed him to pick whatever candy he wanted before stuffing it in the bag that I am working my way through as I write this.

In an attempt to teach our child manners we tried to make him say Thank You each time after receiving his sugared communion. Unfortunately our plan of teaching him sign language has backfired and all the students were baffled by his smiling gesture of self-strangulation.

At any rate, he seemed to have an enjoyable time and I now have enough candy to last me at least a few days.

His two latest obsessions are his bibs and the hat mommy made him.

The look of "OMG!! HE'S SO CUTE!!" is clearly visible here.

Our little predator.

I think I startled him.

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