Thursday, May 21, 2009


Ty is taking the kid to RI to see friends and family, and while I was in the shower this morning I had a nightmare vision of the two of them getting in a car accident and dying. As I stood contemplating this unlikely but awful scenario, I realized how much better I am. A year ago, a mental trip that ended in either of them dying would have induced a panic attack so bad that I would be struggling to breathe and on the verge of throwing up. I don't think that post-partum anxiety/ depression ever completely goes away. I had an anxious nature before having a child, and I will never stop worrying about Cayden or fearing for him. But, I have reached a place where the panic and fear no longer rule my life. A lot of you have given me so much love and support as our family worked through this. So, thanks. It helped.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I love you, brave girl.