Monday, September 07, 2009

The Boo-Boo Kitty

Our dear friend Kendra once told me about the Boo-Boo Bear, a magical bear-shaped ice pack that can comfort children's wounds and stem the tide of bandaid requests for barely bumped body parts. We have been looking for a similar item for a while, and at target this weekend we found this:

Astonishingly Cayden bumped his knee that very afternoon. I gave him the boo-boo kitty, and it was love at first sight. He spent 5 minutes fixing Percy's hurt wheel and Emily's sore tender. I was running around the downstairs getting us ready to go to the Great Allentown Fair when Cayden comes into the kitchen holding his boo-boo kitty and looks at me with a confused/ anxious expression. "Mommy, I just, I need....... gets down on all fours and whacks his head on the floor....Mommy I bumped my head!....proceeds to apply ice pack to own forehead"

I'll be honest, I doubt breaking into hysterical laughter was the ideal parenting move, but there was nothing else I could do.


this one said...

Oh good Lord, how we laughed at this.
In Switzerland there is a song for boo-boos.
Heile Heile Sagä
Dru Tag Ragä
Dru Tag Schnee
Dann tut das Bo-Bo-
nu mehr Weh.
At the kindergarten, I wasn't allowed to sing it, because I was only allowed to speak in English. When a child would hurt themselves I would simply hum the song and another child would sweetly jump in with the words and sing the comforting song.
Heal, Heal I say
3 days rain
3 days snow
then the booboo doesn't hurt any mo(re)


Jordanna Sprayberry said...

I made kendra teach me that song and I sing it to him all the time! It is the best! boo-boo kitty has been a pretty big hit too though.