Monday, November 09, 2009

Sprayberries and Swine Flu

Cayden came down with a nasty fever 102/ 103F on Friday, and pretty much didn't leave our side for 14 hours. The next morning we settled him onto the couch with some Thomas movies and he stayed there, dozing in and out of consciousness for the whole day on Saturday. We managed to keep him hydrated and by Sunday morning his fever broke. I don't think it was actually swine flu, because that seems to be much more virulent, but Ty and I were worried enough about it on Friday night to bring him into our bed and exile ourselves to a fitful night. Sounds like a stressful weekend, but it turns out that when our whiney two year old is in a fever delirium, he becomes a delightful, charming, and snuggly little boy. Happily/ sadly he is back to whining and crying for such dire offenses as offering to make him breakfast, so I think the flu-danger has passed.


Kendra said...

This is a childcare secret. Most children are SO SWEET and adorably vulnerable when they're sick!

Anonymous said...

try checking my blog, special latest stories.its inspiring.. you did a right intervention for your child.. godbless