Monday, February 22, 2010

Indoctrination Complete

Cayden at breakfast this morning: "Mamma! That's the NPR song! NPR is good radio. I like to hear the words the boys and girls are saying on the radio."

Sunday, February 14, 2010

965.7 miles to Mt. Katahdin

We had to take advantage of the copious snowfall of last week so we went out to the AT today to do some snowshoeing. On the way out Cayden established what would constitute an emergency so that we could go get water from the water tower. He likes water towers a lot.

Me: " If there were 4 squirrels would that be an emergency?"
C: " If there were 4 squirrels and the firetruck ran them over, then they would be squashed."
Me: " Would that be an emergency?"
C: "Yes."

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I think the snow of the last 48 hours is the most snow I have ever seen fall at once. Not counting the blizzard of '76 for which I was two years old and stuck at my teacher's house.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

CH2S (Thioformaldehyde)

Yesterday Cayden came running out of the back room with a shrink wrapped unopened video in his hand. He asked me to identify it for him but I had no idea where it came from. "Can you tell me what movie this is?" he repeatedly queried me. "Um, I've never seen that movie before in my life kiddo, sorry."

2 hours later while picking up in the spare room I found the scattered remains of wrapping paper all over the floor and the mystery became clear to me. I brought the paper into the kitchen and related the following conclusion to JD while Cayden listened on: "Hey Mommy, somebody found the present from Nana & Pop-Pop up on the table in the spare room so then somebody went and got their stool and then somebody decided that the present was for them so then somebody unwrapped the present."

With no guile whatsoever the kid immediately yelled "It was Cayden Hoyt Henry Sprayberry!"

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Snow Woes

Waking up to 8" of fresh snow is very exciting for everybody. Until we actually get outside that is.