Saturday, May 15, 2010

Six Flags

I was lucky enough to be included on a field trip to Six Flags with the Physics class at my school this Friday.  The new ride at the park is Kingda Ka and its a ridiculous roller coaster.  In the vein of new-fangled modern roller coaster rides it lasted all of about 20 seconds but wow, what a rush.  Its both the tallest and fastest roller coaster in the world and it was the very first ride we went on when we got there.
Using a hydraulic launcher (like aircraft carriers) it catapaults you to 128mph in 3.5 seconds, shoots straight up 45 stories and then directly back down again.  That first acceleration you feel in your gut as all of your internal organs get squashed together.  Overall I've been on better roller coaster rides (Nitro later in the day was really fun) but it was a unique experience that I will not soon forget.

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