Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Apologies for the Radio Silence

I hate it when we fall behind on the blog, because I feel like there is no way we will remember the details of our current lives two decades down the road. I probably feel that way because I can't remember the details of my life yesterday. But, I promise we will update soon, with many entertaining and harrowing tales of the summer (world war flea!).  In the spirit of being better about blogging, I wanted to comment on my son's remarkable instinct for survival. After 45 straight minutes of droning out random words and syllables in a tone of voice that brought to mind a dirigible, I was pretty close to throwing a certain 3 year old out the window. He drones his way over to me sitting on the couch sorting through laundry:

C: What are you doing Mommy?
J: Folding laundry
C: Can you make room for me so I can have a big snuggle in your lap?
J: heart melts

He seems to have inherited Tyson's instinct for when I have been annoyed *just* enough.

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