Friday, June 17, 2011


About five months ago Cayden discovered that the cracked paint in his room could in fact be peeled off the wall in large quantities. While he is past the paint eating stage, and we have tested it all for lead, we still didn't think it was safe for Dune Buggy. Not to mention that the entire room was a dirt stained shade of peach. So, as part of preparing him to share his room with his brother, we took him the Sherwin Williams to pick out paint (they have a very impressive line of zero VOC paint, much better than the big box brands). He fell in love with the froggy green, and we got to work. He has also taught himself to read over the past month, so I got him his first reading lamp at ikea last week. He can point it at his books without shining light on Dune Buggy's side, and is going to sleep much more rapidly now that he has the ability to relax with a book. I can't believe how big he is. It is all the more astounding knowing that soon tiny tiny Dune Buggy will be with us. I am almost finished my nesting explosion in there. We need to convert the crib back to crib mode, hang some shelves and strip some diapers. We are just about ready!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Seeking the Perfect Speed

In celebration of my recent manuscript acceptance we went to the brew works for dinner, then took cayden to the amazing new playground at Cedar Beach Park. Tis playground is very impressive, and replete with many devices for Daddy to spin Cayden in circles. cayden has a love hate relationship with the toys, because he can never decide exactly how fast he wants to go. As slow as Mommy spins, that is no fun. The fastest Daddy can spin me, that is vomit inducing. I watched him negotiate speeds with Tyson while choking back tears I was laughing so hard:

Really really fast Daddy. Too fast! Too fast! Stop!

Okay, now slow. No faster. Too fast! Too fast! Stop!

Okay medium fast. Too fast! Too fast! Stop!

Okay medium slow fast. Too fast! Too fast! Stop!

Of course Daddy only has one speed, so all his efforts were in vain...

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

iPad Test

The last time I tried to post from the iPad it was a fail... Running a test with an awesome photo of cayden from goat racing day.