Sunday, June 12, 2011

Seeking the Perfect Speed

In celebration of my recent manuscript acceptance we went to the brew works for dinner, then took cayden to the amazing new playground at Cedar Beach Park. Tis playground is very impressive, and replete with many devices for Daddy to spin Cayden in circles. cayden has a love hate relationship with the toys, because he can never decide exactly how fast he wants to go. As slow as Mommy spins, that is no fun. The fastest Daddy can spin me, that is vomit inducing. I watched him negotiate speeds with Tyson while choking back tears I was laughing so hard:

Really really fast Daddy. Too fast! Too fast! Stop!

Okay, now slow. No faster. Too fast! Too fast! Stop!

Okay medium fast. Too fast! Too fast! Stop!

Okay medium slow fast. Too fast! Too fast! Stop!

Of course Daddy only has one speed, so all his efforts were in vain...

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