Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Four Year Old Boy Logic

I know we are miserably behind documenting our life on the blog. This is because our life is phenomenally full. Full of work, diapers, reading books, playing, joy and not even remotely full of sleep. I am hoping put together a holiday card (predictably late), but don't want to put off random updates in the meantime. For example, we are encouraging D to try to sleep through night. He did better Saturday and Sunday nights than he did last night, and Ty was thinking that Cayden's night light might have been the cause. Our conversation on the topic went something like this:

J: Mommy and Daddy think your night light might have kept your brother up last night, so we are going to use the turtle tonight.
C: No it didn't
J: You don't know that
C: Yes I do.
J: Mommy and Daddy don't know if the night light is bothering your brother, how can you know the answer?
C: Because I am a Space Ranger

1 comment:

Vavo said...

That sounds dispositive of that issue!!!