Monday, November 20, 2006

He can kind of count to seven


Without a doubt, the member of our family that had suffered the most from our move and plunge into remodelling a house is Roland. We no longer have huge wooded dog parks at our disposal, nor do we have time to trek into the mountains on the weekend. In an effort to make up for it we have started taking him to 'Sunday Funday', which is at the local humane society. They open their play yards to non-aggressive dogs with vaccination records, and provide coffee and donuts to the owners who can watch their canine kids turn into drooling idiots. Roland thinks this is great fun. I mean the dogs are okay, but that place is filled with like forty people who will pet him! Constantly! So this Saturday I roll out of bed, walk out into the hall and am confronted with 110 pounds of vibrating, tail wagging puppy. For those of you who know Roland, you will recognize that voluntary movement without promise of food reward is rare. I tried to walk by him, and he started hopping and howling. Mom, mom it's a weekend! Yes Roland, but it is Saturday. No fun for you. He dejectedly slumped back off to bed, and we go tno reaction out of him the next morning. We trundled him off to the fun place anyway, and he wore himself out so much that when we dragged him through home depot later he laid down everytime we stopped for more than a minute to look at stuff. Ty took some pictures, which he will hopefully post over T-day weekend. Who doesn't want pictures of our cute dog slobering on unsuspecting dogs and people?

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