Monday, November 27, 2006

That Definitely Wasn't Gas


One week later, I am convinced that I am feeling the baby move. I imagined that the first time I felt our baby, it would be a magical experience that moved me to tears. All the books say that first movements will feel like 'gentle butterflies'. I don't think those people have been pregnant. Or, we have a less than graceful baby. Granted, the movements are not particularly strong (yet), but there is nothing delicate about them. It is unbelievably strange to feel motion inside your body that is in no way, shape, or form controlled by you. Remember in Aliens, when the alien comes out of somebody for the first time? Remember the look on that guy's face? I understand that look better now. Incredible wierdness aside, it is pretty damn cool to feel the sorlet kicking around in there.

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