Tuesday, December 12, 2006



"Maternity pants" and "Welcome to my plumber's crack"


Anonymous said...

Girl, I went to a show on Saturday and there was a roadie there who's pants were modged podged to her bootie, because they were below that part of women's bottoms that hold our pants up when we are sans belt. I wondered... perhaps she didn't know when she got dressed that she'd be bending over to unplug things and lift in front of 500 people. I was the only person who gave her this benefit of the doubt.

Anonymous said...

P.S. That kind of post is what camera's were invented for dear. Ty, get on that.

Sprayberry said...

Oh he has taken PLENTY of photos. We have a veritable montage, which people must travel to our home to see because I will not allow them on the internet