Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Home Stretch or Get Off My Intestines


Well, Twitchy is due 4 weeks from today. We don't expect a timely arrival, but we have now transitioned to seeing the doctor once a week. They are very exciting appointments, where the doctor confirms that I am still pregnant and asks if I show any signs of being not-pregnant. Twitchy appears to have taken up a head down posture, which is good new for those of us hoping to avoid a cesarian. The bad news is he is much more constrained in his movements. This has led to a unique motor pattern where he alternately bends and straightens his legs, causing his knees to mash whatever organs they pass against my abdominal wall. We are almost finished with the baby's room and actually have a place for him to sleep when he arrives. We are so on the track to winning national parenting awards. We will post pics of the finished product after all the accessories are completed and moved in. Kendra will be here for a conference soon, and I have enlisted her aid in fixing up some nursery furniture. Good times will be had by all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um, at first I thought you were referring to your kid as a "finished product".