Friday, March 09, 2007

New Gear!


Anyone who has watched us prepare to go snowshoeing, hiking or camping knows that we are addicted to gear (I don't know where Ty gets it from; as for me, I'm looking at you Dad!). The most entertaining aspects of having a new kid is all the new gear. Our decision to eschew disposable diapers has led to more conversations on diaper technology than I ever could have imagined. At one point I thought the options were: disposable or cloth. Then, I learned the options were: disposable, cloth, or flushables (g-diapers). Then I learned there are approximately a MILLION different ways to cloth diaper your baby. We don't think day care providers will go for flushables, and the flushables are fairly expensive (30-40% more than huggies) so we are going to do a trial run where we combine diapering technologies: flushables inside the g-diapers, cloth inserts inside g-diapers, and pocket diapers. What is a pocket diaper you ask? Check these out! We figure we should be able to use the same inserts inside the BumGenius and the g-diaper pants. The pocket diapers go on like a regular diaper, so we have hopes that child care providers will use them, and just stow the dirties inside our diaper bag (I am making a bunch of individual water proof bags). We bought two pocket diapers of a different brand (Swaddlebees) than the BumGenius just to try out the concept, since Twitchy won't be in daycare until August. I am having a hard time resisting buying the BumGenius now, because I think they are a little too adorable and they get better reviews than the swaddlebees. In the end, I don't know if it is my environmental morals that have led me away from disposables, or the fact that all the alternatives are so much cuter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

plumb crazy.
dotty over diapers.
Henry! Get a hold of yourself woman!
Don't cross the streams, honey. I couldn't follow all of that I'm afraid, but it's poop we're talking about, man... trust the experts.

(You're not going to move into composting the flushables like the dogshit are you? Maybe you could stick the placenta in there with it. Oops. Sorry.)

I love you and I'll see you soon.