Thursday, August 02, 2007

Feel Good Movie of the Year

[jd] 2 August 2007

Apocolypto certainly doesn't earn that award. I am steadfastly ignoring this masterpiece of Mel Gibson's as I type. I think that man needs therapy to work some stuff out. I think I might too at the end of this movie.

Update: I am waiting out this movie in the guest room (we are at JP's). It was threatening to bring on another panic attack. Happily I have been doing better the past two weeks. I have been going to a postpartum depression support group which has been really interesting. It is a bit intimidating, because the majority of women there are taking meds and some have been there for over two years. I am not anti-med, I just have always been anti-med for me (although this experience has definitely been mind opening). And, the idea of feeling this way in two years is intimidating. But, I have had many neutral days the past couple weeks and a couple downright cheerful days. Not so bad all told. In general I am feeling very hopeful about all of this. Going to the group does help, the women that go are really sweet and there is something cathartic about sharing experiences.

Anyway, several people have called to see how I am doing so I thought I would post an update. One thing I am incredibly grateful for is that none of my negative feelings are directed towards Cayden. I know that happens to some women, and I think that would make it even harder to deal with. Happily snuggling Cayden almost always makes me feel better.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Hurray Neutral days!
I accidentally met the dad of the main guy in apocolypto in the Tucson airport. Then I listened to a lot of people meet him in the Las Vegas airport as well. Unfortunately most of us had never seen the movie. (Although a dude was watching it on his laptop when I flew from Philly to Seattle, and just from a corner of the eye viewing, I can tell you that it'll give anyone a panic attack, sweetie.