Sunday, January 06, 2008

Never let it be said Orono didn't treat us well...

[ty] 6 Jan '08

Ok, I apologize for the conspicuous lack of update regarding our trip and various associated excitement in Maine. Truth be told, I made up all of the highlights involved in the last post. All of Jordanna's toes are intact, nobody fell through the ice and I stayed safely inside all of the vehicles. I apologize if anyone was unduly alarmed. In my defense I had earlier that day been involved in mortal combat with a Black Bear, eaten a bad piece of Puffer fish and lost around $7000 on Jai-Alai.

We had a wonderful time in Maine. It was the first large scale Henry/Fremouw/Sprayberry/Benson X-mas and there was no shortage of wonderful grandparents, sledding, good beer, hockey, good wine, oblong pizzas, good cheese, crying children, laughing children, hurt children and love. Clarissa and Thane opened up their home to an veritable invasion of people and in return I stole Clarissa's favorite winter hat and invited our friends up to crash the party. They took it like champs and we will forever be grateful and hope to return the favor as soon as we get to a domicile larger than a conjugal visit cabin.

Also in the "You Rule" catagory: The Walshies hauled their asses all the way up to Maine to hang out with us for 48 hrs. Considering that it would have been FAR easier for them to stay in the comfort of their own home and not drive 6 hours into Canadian territory and back we were very very touched by their presence and the wonderful bounty of beer, cheese, chocolate, whiskey, bourbon, vodka, wine and schnapps that they gifted us. For the record, Abby Rose was amazing with all the younger kids and a ball to hang out with. Plus she's about 6ft tall and is the proud recipient of both Kevin and Erin's gift for sarcasm.

Below please find a couple of photos that will tell an abbreviated version of our trip to the great frozen North. Actually its just some good photos of our kid and our nephews. What can I say.

For some reason he looks like a frog to me in this picture.
I think it's the hands.

Nephews all hyped up on x-mas will do anything Uncle Tyson asks them to.

I rarely intend to take these kinds of photos but I like it when it happens.


PS - in theory i have now posted two movies taken today of nubby. the one is of him doing battle with a hairband, the other is purely for the audio of us flushing his sinuses per our doctor's orders (drowning the baby).



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