Thursday, January 31, 2008

Homeward Bound

[jd] 31 January 2008

So I had an interview for a grown-up job (biology professor) last week in Allentown, PA, about 90 minutes from where I grew up. I loved the department. During the 1 1/2 days I spent there, it was really easy to envision myself working there, being productive, and being happy. Apparently they felt the same way, because they offered me a job on Monday! We have had to make decisions on a really short time scale, because they also really liked their second choice and wanted to be able to make an offer to that person if I turned it down. Happily Tyson has reconciled himself to, and is even excited about, the idea of living in Pennsylvania. So, I have informally accepted and provided nothing bizarre happens we are moving to Allentown this summer! The amount we have to do before then is STAGGERING. So, if you were planning on visiting us in Tucson and feel like painting a house, or putting up some crown moulding this is your chance! Likewise, if you have a hankering to learn how to do multi-unit extracellular recordings, I have plently of experiments that need doing : )

In other news, drool-meister G has popped his second tooth. I discovered this when he bit my finger yesterday and left 2 painful indentations instead of one. To all you new parents, your fingers may seem like a convenient portable teething toy, but this is a BAD HABIT to get into.

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