Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Nubby Update

ty [2 April '08]

It's official. Nubs has learned to use sign language to communicate with us. He has only mastered one sign so far and I'll give you one hint as to what it is...

That's right. "More food please."

He is currently working on "All done". His present method of communicating that concept is to grab double handfuls of food and paste them to any wall unfortunate enough to be close to him. In the queue right after All Done is Want, Dirty and Water. Although I guess we could combine all of them into Cholera and be done with it.

There are very few people who care that I managed to cleanly mount this pull cord into a kitchen fan using only my wits and a trained iguana but dammit, it took me 3 hours start to end.

Unfortunately Cayden doesn't always enjoy his dinner. You'd think this would stop him from eating it. Nope. It simply leads to him crying as he continues to stuff his face. Very serious determination. Although I give him lots of crap for eating constantly and weighing 16% more than his friend who is a month older I am actually pretty pleased with his eating and his weight. According to the literature he'll be staying roughly the same size for the next year-ish as he focuses all of his caloric stash on biting mommy and attacking the dishwasher (his ultimate nemesis).

As we've been painting the house the last couple of weeks we've discovered that sticking a bunch of tape on the child is funny. To us.


Anonymous said...

Great blog - I love the pictures and best of luck with the house! Love, your sistor

Kendra said...

My friend Sarah's Brayden is a little older than Cayden, and the other day they were out for a walk when it suddenly got dark and stormy out of nowhere.

The kids frantically signed "All done" as his mom sprinted back home with the stroller.

Sprayberry said...

hahaha...thats awesome wok.

Anonymous said...

His crying face makes me so sad - I want to pick him up and cuddle him. I think he's going to have Vavo wrapped around his little finger.