Thursday, May 15, 2008

And the light goes on


I am not really sure how we got on the topic, but I was telling my therapist this morning about what Tyson calls my "something shiny" disorder. His theory is that I lose everything because I will notice something as I walk through a room, throw what ever is in my hands over my head, and then when I want my phone four hours later have no idea where it is because that shirt that has been crumpled on the couch for four days needed to be ironed. My therapist nodded her head and said, "You cope with your A.D.D. really well, you should write a book". I stared at her blankly, and then busted out laughing. Suddenly it all made sense. The parent-teacher conferences where year after year the teachers would say, "She's really smart, she just needs to start paying attention in class". My inability to listen to a seminar without knitting. Why I compulsively cook two meals at a time, or burn the one meal I am cooking because I am trying to simultaneously put away laundry. Happily it is currently working in my favor, because I am getting very good at distracting myself away from panic attacks.

In other news, I finally have Frugal Hippy up and running. At least kind of. It is a blog of interesting eco- friendly/ crafty stuff I find, and summarizes a lot of the research Ty and I have done into lower impact living. There are many more pages to add, but check it out! If you have any interest in cloth diapers, that section is completed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think multitasking is good - I wrote mom's mothers day card while brushing my teeth and was proud of that accomplishment !
I have the opposite behavior - if I'm supposed to be cleaning for a party I'm just as likely to decide that the kitchen needs to be scrubbed at a minute level instead of looking at the big picture and doing something a bit more useful like vacuming! Somehow this does not escape Thane's notice....