Sunday, May 11, 2008

Local Baby Walks...

ty [11 may '08]

After many months of pulling himself up and crashing back to Earth on all fours the boy has finally begun to experiment with walking as a means of transport.

If the videos below don't work then these are direct links to them.




Kendra said...

Top 3 reasons I love this post:
1. He appears to say "Ok" ala Henry when he stands up and gets his balance.

2. You guys really challenge your child... sure ANY BABY could learn how to walk on an empty floor, but Cayden, he was facing an obstacle course from day one.

3. He makes motorcycle noises as he self-locomotes... very telling.

Sprayberry said...

I'll have you know, he created that mess. We are just teaching him the consequences of his actions : ) You should see him learning the consequences of not using gentle hand with the kitty. Not to mention Toku learning the consequences of being a stubborn bitch and refusing to move even when Cayden has pulled his tail three times in a row.