Friday, July 25, 2008

In Transit


As I write this the sun is going down over St. Louis and JD is still slumbering peacefully. Our plan of going nocturnal for the drive was born of solid logic. The cats won't overheat, the truck won't overheat, we won't overheat, the traffic will be lighter and there will be less chance of someone reporting us for our animal transport methods. That being said, after only 2 days its still difficult to go to bed at noon and sleep for 6 hours. I made it 4.5 and then 5 last night. With a few more days of acclimation I'm sure it would be possible but in theory we'll be in Allentown by tomorrow morning. Oh well. C'est la vie, c'est la guerre, c'est ma chien.

The drive has been relatively unremarkable. Our truck, a 22ft Penske with the VW on a trailer, is a rockstar of a vehicle. Huge and heavy with wheels that come up to my chest. It's probably close to its weight maximum and although it will go over 65/70 mph its really unnerving when you feel all that mass start to get jumpy behind you. Hence, we've been moving slowly and to stay on schedule that means driving 14 hours a day. So far so good though and we've covered 1500 miles of our 2400. Today will be the longest day but I've noticed that you tend to get a 7th wind as you close in on your destination on these long drives and if there is to be a long day it should be the last.

So there it is. I've finished downloading the audiobook for today's drive so I'm off to wake up JD and pack up Blaine (the truck).

Next stop: Chew St.


Kendra said...

OMG Blaine the train!

Why did the dead baby cross the road?

Anonymous said...

Sprayberry! So it sounds like your trip to, like, the other side of the world was mucho fun. Okay not really my type of thing, but hey, you're the one that decided to ditch your clan at CDO to drive 2400 miles to Allentown. No Im just kidding. I know it wasnt your choice, and AZ is pretty boring. So Mrs Krater took over your room and I was like what?! thats not your room!...But I guess that's what happens when teachers leave. Other teachers steal the best rooms. Well, I hope your life in Allentown is pretty much amazing!
PS I think its funny that Im going to leave this as anonymous even though my name is like right there.