Sunday, August 24, 2008

Whistle Pig


I finally got a picture of the gigantic rodent that spends his days eating fallen apples beneath the tree across the street. There has been some debate in our home lately as to exactly what type of creature this rodent is. At first we thought it was a beaver, but some aggressive photography revealed that his tail is nothing like a beaver's. So with the identifying picture and a list of the mammals of Pennsylvania we positively identified the animal in question as a groundhog. A really big groundhog.

Turns out that given ideal conditions a groundhog can attain 32 inches in length, weighing in at 30 lbs. Who knew? Apparently they also will whistle when danger approaches earning them the nickname "Whistle Pig" in some regions.

To commemorate our identification of the animal we named our first batch of beer brewed in PA the Whistle Pig. Its a Kolsch style beer and it should be ready by the end of September. If you're in the area feel free to drop by and give it a taste.

1 comment:

this one said...

Punxatawny Phil's Allentown cousin?