Friday, September 12, 2008

Silence equals Madness


It has been a hectic couple weeks, hence the silence. I am wrapping up my third official week as "Professor Sprayberry", and am slowly adjusting. The first week was petrifying. I spent 20 hours writing my first lecture and promptly went through 50 slides in 40 minutes. The second lecture I added some material and went through 72 slides in 45 minutes. When I told my students that and said, "I assume that I am going too fast", they all nodded slowly in unison. With an expression on their faces akin to a deer in headlights. I told them to pause me, and since then things have been MUCH better. I have such a good class. They ask questions, get involved, and seem to genuinely want to understand the material. This is a blessing, because I can spend all my energy organizing lectures instead of reading up on fancy active learning techniques to get students to participate. Next semester I may need those, since I will be teaching a massive intro biology course, but for now I've got it easy.

Ty is also getting into the groove of his new school, and as always is collecting great stories that I will let him share. He has had 3 full months of no students and was getting really anxious and excited to get back in the classroom. Of course after three days of classes a tornado hit the school and they didn't have school for most of this week (no I'm not kidding).

And finally an update on who you all read this blog for. Roland is doing really well, his fur is growing back in and his arthritis flare up from the drive out here has faded. He loves going for walks again now that it is less than 100 degrees. He does, however, smell REALLY BAD. If anyone is in the area and wants to donate some dog-washing services we will take them. I am too exhausted at the end of the day to wrestle a 110 lb dog into a bath tub.

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