Monday, September 01, 2008

The Game Preserve


To celebrate our Labor Day holiday Nubby and I (mommy is working today) went to the Lehigh Valley Zoo this morning. It was not what I expected.

I'm a bit more used to the urban style zoos of Providence, Seattle and Tucson and this place was certainly not one of those. I suppose I should have been clued in by the fact that it was 2 miles into the woods on Game Preserve road. At any rate, it was a very farm-like zoo with a petting coral, pony rides, and feed the goats food dispensers. But thats not all. They had kangaroos in an enclosure that you could wander right into (only a single rope separated you and the roos), a Lorikeet enclosure where the birds landed on you and you could feed them, some invisible arctic wolves, and a whole bunch of birds-of-prey. Nubby was most fascinated by the Lorikeets (a very brightly colored, friendly and noisy cousin of the Parakeet) but he got pretty tense when I tried to put one on him. All told we had a really good time and I saw a small herd of Bison on the way out which always makes me happy.

Cayden in the Wolf's Den. There weren't any wolves around
so I figured it would be fine.

That rope is all that separates you and a potentially lethal Kangaroo.
I kept one hand on my knife the whole time.

We found a stream on the way out.

My kid trying to eat a rock. Again.

I think I'm going to frame this one and put it on my desk at work.


Anonymous said...

One of the kangaroos looks like a human.

Anonymous said...

whats the deal with the rope? I wonder if they obey the boundary.

at the zoon in Sydney Australia they have the same kind of thing - but no rope. it freaked me out a bit at first.
