Friday, December 19, 2008

Representing the 822


So much has happened since I last talked to you Internets. My hamster, "Basket Face", got eaten by the neighbor's dog, I fell down on my head, and Old Man Jenkins gave me a gently used pair of briefs. What a December its been.

In all seriousness there has been lots of action here at the Sprayberry household. Foremost among those thing in need of reporting is that Cayden met Santa for the first time. It was at a Muhlenberg work party where all the kids of all the staff and faculty of the college got to sit on Santa's lap. I happen to be standing directly at the foot of the stairs leading up to Him when they made the announcement that it was time to bring all the kids up starting with 2 and under. So I jumped into line and Nubby was the second kid on his lap. Which startled the hell out my son.

As many of you know Jordanna has been knitting since our move to Tucson and it has become something of a religion with her. She always takes my advice when it comes to her creations and last night she made me very very proud. Those of you who have played the video game Silent Hill might recognize this creature...

And as our final bit of exciting news...we bought a house! Well, technically the bank will buy it next Monday and give us the keys to it to taunt us. But you get the idea. At any rate, its a great little brick guy from 1951. We bought it from the original owner who purchased it for a whopping $12,000 when it was out in the boonies of Allentown.

My favorite two things about it are that there's already a finished basement that will be our theater/bar and under all the wall-to-wall carpeting are the original oak hardwoods.

It's a 4 bedroom 2 bath with a very dated kitchen that we will tear out and redo this summer. 822 is its number and we think it's awesome.

Mmmmm, post-war brick.

Note the sweet grass carpeting.

The place where our dog will poo.

Our sexy new retractable awning.

The view from our front porch. That's Cayden's school in the distance. :)

For those of you so inclined, there are pictures of the interior here.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS on the house - that is so exciting. We are so happy for you guys.

That is so funny (of course) Tyson's joke about the bank owning it and keys to taunt.

I love the pics and how Nubby makes the scale of the interior more understandable to those far away.

Congrats, you guys!!! : ) HM

Anonymous said...

Congrats...can you let us all have the full snail mail address and not just the #? know you're fab, but the mail carrier might not get the suitcase full of cash that i sent to you delivered accurately...