Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pulpit Rock

In an effort get out of Allentown and into the surrounding woods we went on a hike today. About an hour out of town you can get onto the Appalachian Trail and, if you are so inclined, hike to Georgia or Maine. We both have to teach tomorrow though and Cayden's trailcraft isn't up to the journey so we opted for a quick hike up to Pulpit Rock instead.

The trail is very well blazed and we had a nice morning hike up with some lunch and a view at the top and then an all downhill return to the car. Overall I'd give it a 9 out of 10 for a local 1/2 day hike.

The AT in all its glory

Our new friends Mike and Beth came hiking with us

The sleeping hood on the Ergo is very well designed and we love it

All the way up at 1580 feet of elevation we command a view of Lehigh County

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